@John Mann: I think the ultimate goal of morality is the well-being of people.
You re making progress. You are using a popular definition. At least it's better than "God's will"
But in the meantime some acts can be seen as immoral if you don't see the big picture.
Maybe not, now you are demonstrating the subjectivity of the whole issue. You found the need of the big picture that others don't see. It's your view versus others' view. Yours is better...of course. It's based on absolute morality.
Parents submitting children under painful treatment for instance. Sometimes an apparent evil is the only way to achieve a greater good.
Cherry picking? How about bombing to oblivion a town where a new, lethal and highly contagious disease has overwhelmed the population. The greater good is to prevent the spreading of the disease to the world. The amount of lives saved by bombing the town can easily be much greater than the lives killed in that town. What does absolute morality dictate to do?